Open Data Service, University of Southampton

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CHEP Online CPD workshop: Chinese Student feedback, the importance of non-verbal communication

Wednesday 15th May 2024, 12:00pm

Measuring the student learning experience and student satisfaction has perhaps never been more important, however standard student feedback still pays scant regard for the importance of non-verbal communications. Non-verbal communication is acutely important with students from high-context cultures such as China, where what you say is often not only less important to how you say it but the two are often in direct contradiction.

This seminar will discuss some of the most common aspects of non-verbal communication and their meaning with a particular focus on Chinese students.

As a result, attendees will be better placed to incorporate non-verbal communication into their student feedback processes and procedures as well as improve their ongoing assessment of the student learning experience through observation of common forms of non-verbal communication.


Location:Online, book using the link below

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