Open Data Service, University of Southampton

Open Data Service

Introduction to QGIS: Spatial Data and Spatial Analysis

Thursday 1st January 1970, 1:00am

In this online two day course (taught over four mornings) you will learn what GIS is, how it works and how you can use it to create maps and perform spatial analysis.

We assume no prior knowledge of GIS and you will learn how to get data into the GIS, how to produce maps using your own data and what you can and cannot do with spatial data.

You will also learn how to work with a variety of different data sources and types (including XY coordinate data and address or postcode data) and using spatial overlays, point in polygon analysis and spatial joins.

The course is being run by the National Centre for Research Methods, which is based in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Find out more and register:




Get the Data

If you're that way inclined, you can get the raw data used to create this page in various formats, as listed below.

TTLRDF/Turtle file
RDF.HTMLHTML visualisation of raw data

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